You can often select a filter so that your results will be articles or e-books that USM owns. For example:
- For the databases like Academic Search Complete, ERIC, or CINAHL, under the search boxes, you'll see a list of filters. Click on the box next to Full Text.
- For Business Source Complete, under the search box, Click Full Text.
- For Project Muse, first do your search. Then on the results page, Click on the circle next to Only content I have access to.
- For JSTOR, click on Advanced Search. Under the search boxes, where it says Select an Access Type, Select Content I can access.
- For ScienceDirect, do your search. On the left side of the results page, under Refine by, Select Subscribed Journals.
If you are having trouble finding what you need, you can expand your search by un-clicking the limiter and if you find an article you want, submit an InterLibrary Loan request. This is free for students, faculty, and staff. Just create an account and request the article. Articles often arrive within a few hours. Over weekends, it may be a little bit longer.