How do I make my course available?

Last Updated: Mar 05, 2024     Views: 14

All courses are automatically unavailable to students. You have to specifically make the course available at least one week before the start of the semester. MaineStreet will add students to your course the day after it has been made available.

  1. After logging into Blackboard, select the desired course from the My Courses block on the front page.
  2. In the Course Menu (left-side of screen), expand the Control Panel (if it isn’t already) with the small triangle “spinner” button to the left. This will reveal a number of additional options.
  3. Click the spinner next to Customization to display its options.
  4. Click Properties.
  5. In the page that appears, find Set Availability, and select Yes  
  6. Click the Submit button
  7. Click here to watch a brief demonstration.
Make your courses available at least one week before the first day of classes!