Where are the board games at the library?
Last Updated: Sep 29, 2023     Views: 34

The Library has board games available at the Circulation desks at the Glickman Library in Portland and the Gorham Library. Use your USM ID card to check out a game. Games include:

Gorham: Pandemic, Parcheesi (Ludo), Flux, Catan, Photosynthesis, Chess, Scrabble, Scattegories, Exploding Kitties,
Portland: Pandemic, Parcheesi (Ludo), Flux, Lords of Waterdeep + expansion, 7 Wonders, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Concept, Cranium, Forbidden Island, Timeline, Dominoes, Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Sorry, Battleship, Munchkin, Jenga, Codenames, Magic the Gathering,

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