How do I set up a tutoring appointment? Do all campuses offer tutoring?
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2024     Views: 59

Just sign into the MyUSM Portal. Click on USM QuickLinks, click on Tutoring: Subject-Based Assistance (for everything other than writing) or Tutoring: Writing Assistance.

Click on the links below for detailed instructions on signing up for a tutor.

In-person tutoring is available at:

  • Glickman Library, Portland: on the 2nd floor for Subject tutoring & on the 3rd floor for Writing tutoring.
  • Gorham Library: on the 1st floor for Subject tutoring & on the 2nd floor for Writing tutoring.

Students at any campus may schedule tutoring appointments online with Zoom.

If you have questions, check out the links below or call 207-780-4228.

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