I'm a graduate student at USM, but have not gotten my ID card yet. I don't have a barcode. Can I access articles without one?
Last Updated: Oct 04, 2023     Views: 212

We recommend that all students get a USM ID Card with an activated Library Barcode in order to take full advantage of Library resources. (See Link)

On Campus

  • In the Libraries, you have access to online articles from our computers. 
  • When logged in to MyUSM Campus on a personal device, you have access to online articles.

Off Campus

  • When logged in to MyUSM Campus, you have access to online articles.
  • However, at times you may need to enter the Library Barcode Number (250... or 218...) from your USM ID Card.
  • The card must be activated by the library in order for your Library Barcode to work.

If you experience any problems in accessing the databases contact us at 207-780-4270.

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