As an online student, how can I access all the library resources?
Last Updated: Oct 03, 2023     Views: 495

To access USM electronic library resources, you need a USM ID Card and you need a Library barcode that has been activated. All students, whether full-time or taking just one online class, should get their USM ID card.

When you enroll at USM, you will receive an email from photosubmission in your email. Use that to upload information and a photo. If you did not receive a photosubmission email, contact Card Services.

Your Library Barcode is the number on your USM ID Card that begins with 250.... or 218.... Your Library Barcode should automatically be activated, but feel free to stop by any Library or call us (207-780-4270) and we'll activate it, if needed. You should be able to see your Library barcode when you login to MyUSM Portal, click on Academics, then click on Libraries. You should see your USM ID Card photo, student ID number, and Library Barcode.

We recommend that all students get a USM ID Card in order to take full advantage of Library resources. You will need your which is used for accessing online materials, borrowing materials from USM and other libraries, borrowing textbooks on reserve, printing, copying, scanning, and other services.

Remember, USM students have on-line access to electronic resources that say "USM Access" and "UM System-Wide Access." Students do not have access to resources that are labeled specifically to another campus (e.g. UM Orono, UM Farmington, etc.) If you need an electronic resource, but are unable to access it, please contact the Library for assistance in possibly requesting the item from Inter-Library Loan.

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