If I find a dissertation on ProQuest that I want to read, can I get a full text copy of it or do I need to get it through ILL?
Last Updated: Oct 04, 2023     Views: 138

First, check the specific dissertation to see if you can get the full text online.

  • Login to the MyUSM Portal
  • Click on the P Databases, link below.
  • Scroll down & Click on ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
  • Find a dissertation you want to read
  • If it has a button for "Full Text PDF", then you are all set
  • If Full Text isn't available, you can put in an InterLibrary Loan request, through your ILLiad account (Sign into your ILLiad Account or Create an ILLiad Account) to see if a Full Text copy is available for free. (Occasionally authors have an embargo for a year on their dissertation.)

Contact us if you have questions, 207-780-4272.

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