Is there a way to search for empirical articles?
Last Updated: Mar 07, 2024     Views: 63

Yes. Sign into the MyUSM Portal. Then from the USM Library Homepage, click on Databases, and then click on  Browse All Databases. Select the Database you want to use. Database's may or may not have empirical, as an option you can select when searching.

In Academic Search Complete, you can type the word(s) empirical, "empirical study", or "empirical research" in one of the search boxes. You can do this in any database that does not have a methodology preset.

In the PsycARTICLES database, there is an option to select the term Methodology. After typing in your topic, in the next search box you would want to start typing the word empirical. Note how several terms will pop up: empirical, empirical study, empirical research, etc. Select one of the terms and then next to this box, where it says "Select a field (Optional)" with a drop down menu, you want to select "MR Methodology."

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