How do I access electronic reserves? How do I add a course to find the readings?
Last Updated: Oct 04, 2023     Views: 236

Login to MyUSM Portal.

Access electronic reserves (e-reserves / ARES)

  • Click on USM Quick Links
  • Click on USM Course Reserves (Ares)

Add your course

  • Under Student Tools, Click on Search Courses
  • Search for your course by USM Department, Instructor, or Course Name (e.g. ENG 100)
  • Find your course
  • Click on Add course
  • Each time you open your Electronic Reserves account, your course will be there on the main page.

Accessing course Items

  • Click on View Course to see the items
  • Click on View This Item

Internet Browser

  • If you are having trouble accessing Electronic Reserves in your browser, try a different browser. (e.g. If you cannot access in Google Chrome, then try Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.)

Removing a course from your electronic reserves

  • If you drop a course or add a course by mistake, you can delete it from your account
  • Click on View Course
  • On the left, under Student Course Tools, click on Remove Course
  • Are you sure you want to remove course? Click Yes


  • If your instructor uses BrightSpace, you should be able to access electronic reserves from within that course's BrightSpace page.
  • When you login to the MyUSM Portal, click on the orange and white B to access your BrightSpace account

If you have questions, contact us at 207-780-4270.

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